
10 days Rwenzori Mountains hiking trip ,is a hiking tour in Uganda to Rwenzori Mountains National Park for hikers on Uganda safarisRwenzori Mountains National Park is host to the highest peak of Rwenzori mountain ranges with the Magherita peak at 5109m above sea level. The 10 days trail hike takes hikers to the central circuit and reach the peak of Magherita.

Uganda hiking safaris require prior preparation in terms of packing the right clothing and foot ware, bookings and porter fees. The hike offers a perfect opportunity for scenic views in a fairy tale setting with sight of several endemic bird species and beautiful floral species


The charges include guide’s and porters’ food and wages, park entrance fees, accommodation in the mountain huts, Government tax VAT, Clients’ food, gas cooker, franchise fees and charcoal fuel. It excludes any other services not specified above

As per the Rms permit, any one client is permitted a maximum of 12.5 kg and a porter adds 12.5 kg of his personal gear to reach 25kg. 


Day 1: Arrival and transfer to Rwenzori Mountains National park

Entebbe International Airport will be your arrival point where you meet the EDX TRAVEL guide ready to transfer you to your hike destination. This must be an early morning arrival because the drive from Entebbe International Airport to Rwenzori Mountains National Park is about 7-8 hours. The drive takes you past the scenic backdrop of the western region with lunch taken en route. You arrive in the evening in time for dinner and a night’s stay in a booked lodging facility.

Accommodation options: Luxury: Equator Snow Lodge, Mid-range: Sandton Hotel, Budget: Rwenzori Backpackers

Day 2: Start of the hike from Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba Hut (2651m)

On the first day of your hiking trip, the central circuit hike starts at the Rwenzori Mountaineering Services offices at Nyakalengija. It’s recommended to arrive early in the morning just to allow ample time to rent equipment and meet your guides and porters. From Nyakalengija, the trail begins by passing through farmland to the park boundary beyond which it follows the Mubuku River, crossing its Mahoma tributary before starting a long, steep climb up onto a massive ridge to reach Nyabitaba hut. From Nyakalengija to Nyabitaba the hike takes about 5 -6 hours depending on the hiker’s speed. Luckily, during this first trail hike, you could hear chimpanzees and see other primates like the black and white colobus monkey, Blue monkey alongside birds like the Rwenzori Turaco.

Hike time: 5-6 hours
Accommodation: Nyabitaba hut

Day 3: Hike from Nyabitaba (2651m) to John Matte Hut (3380m)

From Nyabitaba hut, the hike continues as you follow the trail that drops down through the forest to the Kurt Shafer Bridge, just below the confluence of the Mubuku and Bujuku rivers. The hike continues, passing through the bamboo forest, a long and exhausting stretch of slippery moss-covered rock. From the Nyamileju rock shelter, the peaks of Mount Stanley and Mount Speke can be seen. The trail passes through the zone of the giant heather, lobelia and groundsel through the tiring bog, finally reaching John Matte Hut.

Hike time: 6 -7 hours.
Accommodation: John Matte Hut

Day 4: Hike from John Matte (3380m) to Bujuku (3962m)

From John Matte Hut in the morning, the trail drops down to cross the Bujuku River and enters Lower Bigo Bog, the home of giant lobelias. Jumping from tussock to tussock, you finally cross the bog with your feet probably sampling some of the freezing ooze below. The Upper Bigo bog gives way to Bujuku Lake, with views of Mt Baker to the South and Mt Stanley to the West. You then arrive at Bujuku Hut located in the shadow of Mount Baker and Mount Speke in a narrow valley below Stuhlmann Pass.

Hike time: 5-6 hours
Accommodation: Bujuku Hut

Day 5: Hike from Bujuku (3977m) to Elena Hut (4541m)

In the morning, you leave Bujuku Hut, then continue with the trail through more bog to the steep slopes west of the lake and through the magical Groundsel Gully as it ascends to Scott-Elliot Pass at 4372m. At the head of the gully, there’s a metal ladder that helps to take you over a steep section after which the trail is divided into two. The trail on your right leads up to Elena Hut and Mount Stanley on a steep trail over large boulders.

Hike time: 4-5 hours
Accommodation: Elena Hut 

Day 6: Hike from Elena Hut (4541m) to Margherita peak then Kitandara hut (4027m)

Continuing from Elena Hut you hike to the Margherita peak (5109m), then to the base of the Stanley Glacier. The hike to the peak is a tough walk that takes you over three glaciers, slippery rock, ice and very exposed areas which are open on many sides. The hike to the peak requires physical fitness and technical climbers. Climbing onto the glaciers, you cross the Stanley Plateau and proceed with the ascent. Adapting to fog, altitude sickness and cool weather, rush up to the summit of Margherita the highest peak of the Rwenzoris (5109m). Descend through the Scott-Elliot pass where there are spectacular views back to  Bujuku  Lake and  Mount  Speke, up to  Mount  Stanley and down to the  Kitandara  Lakes. After the trail that passes you through an alpine zone of sparse vegetation and rough boulders, descend past the Kitandara Lakes for dinner and overnight at the Kitandara hut.

 Hike time: About 5-7 hours
Accommodation: Kitandara hut

Day 7: Descend from Kitandara hut (4027m) to Fresh field Pass (4282m) then Guy Yeoman (3450m)

From Kitandara hut the next morning, take on the trail that ascends steeply up the headwall, spreading out from the base of Mount Baker then continue along the south side of the mountain to Fresh field Pass. From here you have views from the west of the Congo and those of Mount Stanley in the north. From the pass, take on the long trail passing the rock shelter at Bujongolo, the base camp for the historic expedition by the Duke of Abruzzi in 1906.

Descend time: 5-6 hours
Accommodation: Guy Yeoman

Day 8: Descend from Guy Yeoman (3450m) to Nyabitaba (2651m)

On your descend journey, the descent to Nyabitaba takes an early start. Below Guy Yeoman, the route descends the cliffs of Kichuchu. Beyond Kichuchu the muddy path crosses the Mubuku River twice before climbing upwards to Nyabitaba to complete the circuit.

Descend time: 6 -7 hours
Accommodation: Nyabitaba hut

Day 9: Descend from Nyabitaba (2651m) to Nyakalengija (1615m) hike start point

Finally, on the last day of your hiking tour in Uganda, you descend from Nyabitaba hut to Nyakalengji point. With a return to the hike start point, you complete the central circuit hike to Uganda’s highest point.

Descend time: 3-4 hours
Accommodation options: Luxury: Equator Snow Lodge, Mid-range: Sandton Hotel, Budget: Rwenzori Backpackers

Day 10: Transfer to Entebbe International Airport for departure.

After breakfast from your lodging facility, you embark on the road drive to Entebbe International Airport for departure. Lunch is taken en route and any craft purchases can be done before departure.

End of 10 Days Rwenzori Mountains hiking safari Uganda

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