Uganda is one of the top birding destinations in Africa, with over 1050 bird species in protected areas alone almost the same number as Europe keeps. In fact, Uganda is home to a bigger variety of bird species than any other country in Africa. The best time to spot these birds is in the early morning and late evening as they return from their food search, and in the park. Birding is also fantastic in the afternoon hours especially during the launch cruises along the shores of most water bodies in the National parks like along Kazinga Channel just below the Mweya Peninsular and beyond.


  • Multi-park Birding
  • Canoe rides
  • The Murchison Launch cruise
  • Multiple Game drives
  • Chimpanzee tracking
  • Gorilla tracking experience
  • Cultural encounters
  • Discover Lake Bunyonyi
  • Track the tree climbing lions
  • Experience one of the world’s strongest waterfalls
  • Optional Rhino tracking
  • A true African sunset experience
  • Kampala City Tour


 Day 1: Arrival, Transfer & Birding in Mabamba Bay

Depending on your arrival time, you will be transferred to your hotel/lodge in Entebbe and later on you will go birding in Mabamba Bay, while on a canoe.

This is a wetland on the edge of Lake Victoria, North West of the Entebbe Peninsular, with protected bird species to include the endemic shoebill stork and it is home to over 260 bird species; some of these will meet your expectations:

  • Shoebill stork
  • Pallid harrier
  • Black kite
  • Papyrus canary
  • Papyrus gonolek
  • Blue swallow
  • White-winged warbler
  • Goliath heron
  • Malachite kingfisher
  • Gull-billed terns
  • Winding Cisticola
  • Veil lot’s black weaver
  • Grosbeak Weaver

Right after this birding warm-up you will return to your hotel/lodge and stay at leisure.

Overnight: Airport Guest House / LAICO Lake Victoria Hotel

Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast

Day 2: Travel to Semiliki National park

Journey time: 6 – 7 Hrs.

After your breakfast and checking out, you will immediately start your journey to Semuliki National Park: Located on the western side of the Rwenzori Mountains, dominated by an ancient Ituri forest (12 to 18000 years). This park is unique in such a way that most of its features are associated with West Africa, rather than East Africa like many other parks, thus providing a West African feel within Uganda. This has hot springs which have been in existence since14 million years ago to date.

Upon arrival, you will have a game drive and see unique animals which include but not limited to the following; a variety of birds which may include Ross’ Turaco, Shoebill stork, White-tailed hornbill, Black-wattled hornbill, Crested flycatcher, Long-tailed hawk and also animals like elusive bush babies, pygmy hippos’ leopards, buffalos, waterbucks, warthogs, Uganda Kob, crocodiles, bushbucks, sitatungas, and many more.

Thereafter, you will report to your lodge and enjoy your leisure activities for the rest of the day.

Overnight: Semuliki Safari Lodge

Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 3: Explore The Birds Of Semiliki National Park

In the morning after your breakfast, you will hike/nature walk Kirumia trail through Ituri forest to river Semliki where you will spot a variety of endemic birds like:

  • White-crested hornbill
  • White-tailed hornbill
  • Red-billed dwarf hornbill
  • Black-wattled hornbill
  • Piping hornbill
  • Crested flycatcher
  • Yellow throated Nicator
  • Great blue turaco
  • Orange weaver
  • Ross’ turaco
  • Congo serpent eagle
  • Shoebill stork
  • Red-billed malimbe
  • Canather’s Cisticola & more

After your lunch break, have a nature walk taking the Sempaya trail where you will approach yet another bunch of interesting bird species, and then get to the Sempaya Hot springs;

While at the Hot springs; boil some eggs and plantain and have a taste of what has been boiled by the natural hot water. You will also spot some primates like the grey-cheeked Manga bey, black and white colobus monkeys and visit a tree house where you will experience an aerial view of the park. Later on, you will return to your lodge and rest.

Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 4: Depart Semiliki National Park For Kibale National Park

Journey time: 2 – 3 hours

After your breakfast & morning at leisure, you will start off your journey to Kibale National Park.

Kibale is famously known for Chimpanzee tracking. The park is home to a total of 70 mammal species, of which 13 species are primates including the chimpanzee, with over 375 bird species.

On arrival you have optional activities where you will have interesting cultural encounters; to include:

  • Visiting homesteads
  • Visiting a local church & Bigodi Trading Centre
  • Bigodi village trail
  • Guided nature walks in Bigodi wetland sanctuary (Birding)
  • Experience a Ugandan school system
  • Visit elders’ homes for storytelling
  • Get engaged in local community interactions.

Later on, after this memorable experience, return to your lodge and enjoy your leisure in a quiet environment with the sounds of fauna.

Overnight: Primate Lodge Kibale / Papaya Lake Lodge

Meal Plan: Full Board

Day 5: Birding In Kibale National Park “World’s Primate Capital “

Kibale National Park is famously known as the ‘’primate capital of the world’’ with 13 primate species and the highest number of Chimpanzees (over 1450 chimps), 372 birds species (60% recorded as Uganda’s forest birds) together with other animals like the elusive forest elephants, giant forest hogs, buffalos, genet cats and more.

In the morning, you will go birding, spiced up with primate treks (chimps and monkeys), nature walks and more. You will come across birds which include the following:

Black eared ground-thrush

  • Brown-chested alethe
  • Crowned eagle
  • Blue-breasted kingfisher
  • Abyssinian ground thrush & others

Some of the primates you will encounter include but are not limited to the following:

  • Chimpanzees, L’hoest’s monkey, Blue monkey, Black & white colobus, Olive baboons
  • Grey-cheeked, Manga beys, Ugandan Manga beys, Red-tailed monkeys, bush babies & Pottos

After the morning session of your birding experience, return to your lodge for your lunch break.

After lunch, you will be taking the Bigodi trail and get to Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary where you will see the following bird species:

  • Speckle-breasted woodpecker
  • Cabanis’s greenbul
  • White-collared olive back
  • Olive-green camaroptera
  • Grey apalis
  • White-chinned prinia
  • Joyful greenbul
  • Blue-shouldered robin-chat
  • Lesser honeyguide
  • Olive long tailed cuckoo

You will also have an opportunity to visit the local communities of Bigodi where you will be interacting with the locals and share experiences.

And late in the evening, return to your lodge and relax after the long day.

Meal Plan: Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast, and Lunch

Day 6: Transfer To Queen Elizabeth National park

Journey time: 2 – 3 Hrs

Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for its diverse ecosystems which include sprawling Savannah, shady humid forests, sparkling lakes, wetlands and amazing craters. Ideal for the big game, and primate species to include Chimps and over 612 bird species both migrant and resident birds. It has superb scenic views of the Kazinga Channel, the Rwenzori Mountains and crater lakes which are home to a wide variety of birds.

After your breakfast enjoy a leisurely morning, and later on start off your journey to ‘’a medley of wonders’’. On arrival after a stopover at the equator, you will check into your lodge for lunch, refreshment and leisure or do an evening game drive optional.

Overnight: Enganzi Game Lodge


Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast,

Tea, Coffee, and Soft Drinks Included

Day 7: Explore Queen Elizabeth National Park

 Start off the day with a tasty breakfast and then get deeper into the highlights of this amazing park. Dawn Game Drive; explore the park’s flora and fauna to include elusive bird species and a wide variety of animals like elephants, buffaloes, hippos, bushbucks, waterbucks, Kobs, warthogs and many more. Don’t miss out on the scenic views of the crater lakes like Nyamunuka which is medicinal to the animals.

Katwe Community; interact with the people learn about salt mining by local means and share cultural experiences. Return to your lodge for lunch and relaxation in preparation for the afternoon activities.

Boat cruise; this is the main activity after lunch where you will spot a number of birds like; the African fish eagle, pelicans, Hammerkop, egrets, pied kingfishers, marabou storks, vultures, kites and many more, together with animals like hippos, buffalos, warthogs, crocodiles, waterbucks and more as most of them visit to water and cool off. This boat cruise is spiced up with stunning views of the Mweya peninsular and a local fishing village along the lake shores.

Meal Plan

Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Lunch

Day 8: Transfer To Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Journey time: 4 – 5 Hrs

After your breakfast, travel to another amazing scene of unique flora and fauna. This scenic journey takes approximately 2 hours from the Mweya Peninsular and it will reward you with the most amazing experience.

Located in the southern part of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Ishasha will offer you an unforgettable of experience. The sector is a composition of riverine and open Savannah kind of vegetation alongside the acacia and fig trees.

Tree climbing lions; is the most captivating experience in Ishasha, thus its popularity in the entire national park. Tree climbing lions that reside up in the acacia and fig trees are spotted each and every time hanging up in the trees, as they try to avoid tsetse fly and other ground insects’ bites, and they usually enjoy their prey high up in the trees. In addition to the tree climbing lions, other animals are seen here including; elephants, buffalos, antelopes, Uganda Kobs, impalas, waterbucks, warthogs, and elands among others. So spend enough time here for a wonderful experience.

Later on, proceed to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest and Check-in  your lodge

Overnight: Buhoma Safari lodge

Meal Plan: Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast, and Lunch

Day 9: Birding Adventure In Bwindi

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (331 sq. km) is home to half the world’s mountain gorillas, over 346 bird species, 202 butterfly species, 400 plant species, 163 tree species, 120 mammal species & 27 frog species, making it an incredible birding destination with Rwamunyonyi Peak(2607m) as the best birding spot.

After breakfast, you will start off the day with birding hiking up to Rwamunyonyi peak while seeing birds of all kinds, different tree and plant species, and butterflies which will spice up your birding experience.

Expect to spot a variety of birds such as:

  • African-green pigeon
  • Black-billed turaco
  • African-harrier hawk
  • African broadbill
  • Cinnamon-chested bee-eater
  • Black bee-eater
  • Crowned hornbill
  • Regal sunbird
  • Giant kingfisher
  • Pettit’s cuckoo
  • Newman’s warbler
  • Sooty boubou
  • Purple-breasted sunbird
  • Equatorial akalat
  • Rwenzori turaco
  • Handsome francolin
  • African broadbill
  • Rwenzori batis
  • Ruwenzori Apalis
  • Shelley’s crimson-wing
  • Olive-breasted greenbul

After this adventure, return to your lodge and have lunch at leisure.

Later on, you will have a second-round birding trip taking the Muzabajiro Loop Trail, climbing up to the summit of Rukabira Hill where you will also enjoy astonishing views of Bwindi forest, the Western Rift Valley and the Virunga volcanoes for great photo moments. Later return to your lodge and stay at leisure, and in the night, you will have your campfire together with storytelling.

Meal Plan: Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Lunch

Day 10: Depart Bwindi for L.Bunyonyi


Journey time: 2 – 3 Hrs

In the morning, after breakfast you may have an optional gorilla tracking prior to departure to Lake Bunyonyi. This tracking experience will add value to your birding safari, where you will meet one of the habituated gorilla families. But to be able to have this adventurous optional activity, prior booking of the gorilla permits is highly recommended.

If you don’t choose the Gorilla Trek, just spend some leisure time at your lodge as you enjoy the morning sunshine and the breath-taking views of the surroundings. Thereafter, embark on your journey to Lake Bunyonyi (a place of many little birds):

The second deepest lake in Africa with 29 islands and a perfect place to chill after a safari, gorilla tracking, volcano climbing, hiking and other tiresome activities, all because of its quietness and magical beauty. This is the safest lake to swim in as it is free from hippos, crocodiles and bilharzia.

Upon arrival at your lodge; you will have a chance to explore some optional activities below:

  • Swimming
  • Dugout canoe boating (discover the 29 Islands)
  • Biking
  • Sport fishing
  • Island hopping
  • Cultural encounter

You may also decide to relax in this quiet environment for the whole day amidst beautiful views.

Overnight: Arcadia lodges Bunyonyi’

Meal Plan: Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Lunch

Day 11: Explore the Birds of L.Bunyonyi

Early in the morning after your breakfast, start off the day by discovering the birds of Lake Bunyonyi where you will encounter a number of rare bird species which include but are not limited to the following

  • African hobby
  • Black kite
  • Swamp flycatcher
  • Scarlet-chested bird
  • Grey-crowned crane
  • Herons
  • Weaver birds
  • White-tailed blue Monard
  • African harrier hawk
  • Slender-billed baglafetch
  • Levillant cuckoo
  • Cardinal Woodpecker
  • Bronze-chested birds
  • White-headed saw-wing bird
  • Red-chested-sunbirds

Please note that this morning’s activity is composed of hikes, nature walks & a scenic view of Lake Bunyonyi terraces & the local community visit.

Meal Plan: Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Lunch

Day 12: Depart L.Bunyonyi to L.Mburo National Park

Journey time: 4 – 5 Hrs

After breakfast, you will travel to Lake Mburo National Park.

Lake Mburo National Park is conveniently located close to the Kampala–Mbarara highway, with varied wildlife in the middle of an extensive rich acacia woodland. It is home to over 332 bird species including the rare African fin foot, shoebill, papyrus gonolek, yellow warbler, saddle-billed stork, brown-chested wattle, and plover among others. Upon arrival, you will check in at your lodge and then have lunch.

After lunch, a boat cruise will take you close to the rich flora and fauna of Lake Mburo. And along the shores, you will spot a variety of birds which include but not limited to Malachite Kingfishers, African Fish Eagle, Blue Headed Weavers, Rufous, and Long Tailed Starlings, Pied kingfishers, Hammerkop, Herons, Pelicans, the rare Shoebill Stork as well as the cormorants and hadada ibis. Here is another opportunity to view the crocodiles as well as hippos in their hundreds and animals that come to cool off during the afternoon.

These include antelopes, buffaloes, and over 3 types of otters that are found in the lake. After boat cruise, feel free to take part in some optional activities which include; horseback rides, walking safari, or mountain biking through the park where you will spot more wildlife; elands, zebras, buffaloes, klipspringer, and more grazers.

Overnight: Arcadia lodge

Mal Meal Plan: Full Board – Dinner, Bed, Breakfast and Lunch

Day 13: Transfer to Kampala

Journey time: 4 Hrs: 45 Min

Early in the morning after breakfast, you will check out and proceed for your game drive in the woodland acacia. Expect a variety of flora and fauna, here is a chance to spot some rare bird species which include water and swamp birds like Papyrus gonolek, Yellow Warbler, Saddle-billed Stork, Cisticola, White-winged Warbler, Crested Crane and many more Plus animals which include zebras, Roth’s child giraffes, elephants, elands, wart hogs, Topi, Kob and by chance some leopards. Visit the salt licks and watch animals licking natural salt to supplement their diet while at a viewing platform.

After your game drive, you will depart for Kampala make a stopover at the equator for a photo opportunity then proceed to Kampala city and spend the rest of the day at leisure.

Overnight: Speke Resort Munyonyo

Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast

Day 14: Birding in Mpanga Eco Forest

Journey time: 1hr

After breakfast departs Kampala for the Mpanga forest.

Mpanga forest is a wonderful getaway for nature lovers! It is one of Uganda’s birding spots nearest to Kampala and it is very productive for forest species. A birding day in this forest starts at the cleared visitors’ information centre at the edge of the forest. It supports impressive biodiversity for such a small forest! It has 500 species of trees and shrubs, 300 species of birds, 97 butterflies, and 112 months. Three species of monkeys can be seen in the forest including vervet, red-tailed and black-and-white colobus monkeys. There is also a number of small mammals including banded mongoose, squirrels, pottos, pangolins and bush babies. If you spend a night at Mpanga Forest you have a chance of spotting the rare nocturnal pottos and bush babies.

After half a day of birding return to Kampala & spend the rest of the day at Leisure.

Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast

Tea and Coffee Included

Day 15: Kampala City Tour and Departure

Journey time: 45mins – 1hr

On this final day of your safari, enjoy a brief tour of Kampala city with visits to; the highlights of the city such as the Buganda palace, Uganda museum, Nakasero market, all the historical monuments, the largest craft village and temples. You will later be transferred to Entebbe International Airport to check in for your next home departure flight.



  • Transport in 4 & 4 Safari Vehicle
  • Park Entry fees
  • Accommodation as indicated in the itinerary
  • AMREF Emergency Health Evacuation cover
  • Unlimited mineral water
  • Full-time guide support
  • Photo coverage
  • Entrance fees to the stopovers
  • City tour route map.


  • Gorilla Permit
  • Chimpanzee Permit
  • Tips & gratuities
  • Travel Insurance
  • Visa Fees



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